Google Inside Search Tools, Tips and Tricks

Google Inside Search Tools, Tips and Tricks


Need not go any where if you are with Google search. Google continuously evolving smarter web tools inside Google search. There are numerous inbuilt Google web search tools, tips and tricks which popup the result for what you are curious about.
So, lets have a look at Google inside search tips and tricks that you’ll find useful.

Unit or Number Conversion
Unit conversion
Using Google’s inside search number conversion, you can convert any number or unit into different parameters.
Just type what you want to convert like miles to km or directly enter the terms as 1 mile = km and Google will popup you the result. You can convert any term in that way. Try it yourself and be master your skills.
Currency Conversion
Currency conversion
Get the real time currency exchange rates right in Google search with additional useful information about currencies. Just type in Currency_1 in Currency_2 or Currency_1 = Currency_2. Here Currency_1 and Currency_2 are two different currencies you want to convert.
Calculator is another useful inside search tool of Google. Here you can perform multi-calculations in a single line. It calculates anything, even trigonometric calculations. Enter the terms as “500*1.5+tan(70)” in the search box and Google will popup you the result.
World Time
World Time
Get to know the time of any place in the world is made easy by Google search. Search for the term time City or Country.
Get the definition of any word or phrase by the search term as define:vehemence. And get even more along with the definition like synonyms and translate to other languages.
Weather Report
Check on the weather of any place anytime and anywhere in the world inside Google search. Search for weather ‘city name or zip code’ and you’ll get the detailed weather report of the city with humidity, wind speed and other related information with in the search.
Realtime Stock Quotes
Stock quotes
Inside Google search, you can get the realtime stock quotes with live updates. Search AAPL as a ticker symbol or simply Apple stock and stock quote will pop up inside the search. You can also get the more detailed information about the stock by clicking on Google Finance, Yahoo Finance or MSN Money links on search result.
Local Sunrise/Sunset Times
Sunrise & Sunset time
Get the exact local sunrise and sunset times inside Google search by searching sunrise or sunset followed by city name and you’ll get the exact time of sunrise and sunset of specific city.
Examine Public Data
Public data
Get statistic data for terms like population or unemployment rate inside Google search. Search for the terms followed by state or country. You can also compare rates of different locations.
Site Specific Search Results
Search from specific site
You can get the Google search results from specific site using queries followed by or specific type of site like site:edu, org etc. By this you’ll get search results for queries from specific site or type of site.
These are some useful and interesting Google inside search tips and tricks. So, next time you need to find any of these things just follow the above tips and tricks for quick results.
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