How Send Unlimited, Free Text Messages to Any Mobile Phone

Send Unlimited, Free Text Messages to Any Mobile Phone With mjoy


 Amid a sea of competing services, a newly launched service must grab you by solving one “ah hah!” pain in an immediately understandable way.

Just as TextHog has launched a free service for stupid-simple expense tracking from your cell phone, we now learn about mjoy.

Here’s the one-line mjoy elevator pitch: “Send unlimited free text messages to any mobile phone in the world.” Sounds simple enough, right?

There are two caveats. First, while the service really is free and unlimited, mjoy is subsidized by mobile advertising on your cell phone while using the service. Second, while mjoy won’t charge you, users should have data plans or flat rates as it is still a mobile Web service.

With mjoy, you’re logging onto the mobile Web to send text messages for free instead of sending text messages through your cell phone service carrier’s plan. But if you don’t have an unlimited or afforable data plan, mjoy likely won’t help you.

As of this post, mjoy reports that 88,129 users have signed up from across the globe (141 countries in all) with 754 new members today.

With mjoy, there is no 160-character limit for SMS messages. Like with Gmail, text messages are sorted as conversations with people and conversations are displayed in chat mode.

The service, which is operated by the German company Venista, also offers a mobile Web service called “Post It!”. Much like Twitter, that service allows users to microblog and find new buddies online via their mobile devices.

In addition, mjoy offers a contact widget for users to synchronize and save all their phone contacts online. This can prevent losing phone numbers if your cell phone gets lost or stolen. Many cell phone service carriers charge for that service.

Other free SMS services include



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