How to Make Your PC Running Fast with a Simple Trick

How to Make Your PC Running Fast with a Simple Trick

When you use your PC for a long period of time on a single Operating System, the residues or junk files of software installed and the work you had done are created and stored in your Windows Drive which make your PC bulky and runs slow. These junk files also covers a lot of space of system drive.
Even sometimes due to these junk files programs may not be installed and shows errors, some programs may not runs with proper functions. Programs takes more time to open than the usual time they had taken on a fresh installed Operating System.
To overcome these problems we regularly have to empty our OS’s Junk folder or Temp folder. It is very easy and straight forward to empty Junk or Temp folder in Windows OS.
Here are simple steps to to empty Junk or Temp folder :
  • Press Windows key from keyboard to open start menu.
  • In start menu search bar type %temp% and hit Enter key.
  • A window will open Junk or Temp folder with all the files in it. Just press Ctrl+A to select all files in the folder and hit Delete key, a pop up will open for asking the deletion the files, just click on Yes.
  • Last step is to empty your Recycle Bin. Just go to your Recycle Bin and empty it.
That’s all you have done. Now your PC’s performance improves and it runs light and fast, programs takes less time to open . You can do this once in a week and your PC will be healthy for a long period of time.


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